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How long will my facelift results last?

The immediate benefits of cosmetic surgery are obvious: a part of the face or body that has been bothering you for ages gets tightened, or reshaped, or corrected, offering an instant transformation. But there’s still one question that prevents certain people from reaping the benefits of cosmetic surgery: how long will my facelift results last? And when they wear off, will the treated area look worse than it was before?

Facelift results: it depends on your skin

Obviously, skin quality is a huge factor. If it’s still rich in elasticity, it’s going to have a greater chance of ‘snapping’ into place after surgery and staying there.

Facelift results: it depends on your age

This ties in somewhat with your skin condition, for obvious reasons, but a quick rule of thumb is that clients under the age of 60 tend to have longer-lasting results than clients over the age of 60.

Facelift results: it depends on the skill of the surgeon

Bottom line: there’s no substitute for skill, experience, and quality. The better the surgeon, the better the procedure – and the better your chances are of a longer-lasting facelift.

Facelift results: it depends on the procedure

Here’s an outline of the average longevity of certain procedures:

  • Threadlifts – six months to a year
  • Minilifts – two to four years
  • Revision facelifts – two to seven years
  • Skin-only facelifts – three to six years

Facelift results: it depends on your lifestyle

This is probably one of the most important factors, both before and after the procedure in question. If you have been or are a smoker, you’ve been hampering your bloodflow and accelerating the ageing process, which causes premature wrinkling. If you’re a heavy drinker, you’ve been dehydrating your skin – which means it won’t be as firm and supple as it should be. If you’re overweight, or have gone through extreme weight loss, you’ve sacrificed a modicum of skin elasticity. If you’ve been a sun-worshipper, that’s taken a lot out of your skin too.


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